Business Training Curriculum


Dream it.

We will help you organize your thoughts and identify exactly what you want your dream practice to look like.

Build it.

We will take those thoughts and create a specific strategy for it, covering all the necessary basis to make you successful.

Grow it.

Then we will show you how to grow it, how to diversity, and how to reach your personal and financial goals.


Semesters 1 and 2 (No Legal Advice)


Month 1: Strengths, Business Model, and Ethics/Technology


Month 5: Direct Marketing Techniques

Month 2: Establishing Business Foundations - Branding, Protection, etc


Month 6: Indirect Marketing Techniques

Month 3: Ethics Codes and What You Need to Know


Month 7: Habits and Measureables

Month 4: Website Designs for your Business


Month 8: Taxes

Semesters 3 and 4 (No Legal Advice)


Month 9: Taxes and Finances


Month 13: A Return to Branding

Month 10: Diversify you Money - Counseling


Month 14: A Return to Business Model

Month 11: Diversify your Money - Assessments


Month 15: Paperwork

Month 12: Property and Real Estate


Month 16: HIPAA and Other Admin. Foundations

Semi Semester 5 (No Legal Advice)


Month 17: Review and Finalize for Launch


Month 18: Review and Finalize for Launch


Month 19-24 Sharpen Skills Before Launch


I want to help you obtain your dream job in private practice.

Christopher Missimo