Couples & Family Counseling

Couples & Relationship Concerns


Dating can be uncomfortable or challenging. Issues with confidence, boundaries, criteria, and more can prevent successful relationship development. Whatever it is that you’re dealing with in the dating world, we can help.


We all need help with our relationships at times. It’s helpful in these seasons to have an objective party to carefully listen and provide professional feedback. It’s important for clients to find someone that is effective in communication and knowledgeable about relationship dynamics. We are here to fill that need.


We also cover premarital concerns. This process is focused on providing a healthy foundation of communication, trust, and understanding to ensure a healthy, long-lasting relationship.

Family Concerns

Families naturally include many personalities and needs. It’s difficult at times to find a rhythm that works for the entire unit. This can become especially hard for the youngsters in the family that don’t have the ability to leave and decompress responsibly due to age or maturity.

Whether you’re a parent having issues with your children or teens, or perhaps siblings that can’t get on the same page, we are here to help. We will offer an objective third party perspective that seeks to understand and provide professional feedback.

Family is very important to us at Avanti.