The Three Types of Relationships

Here you will find the three most important categories or forms of relationships. It’s very easy to allow one of these to get away from you. Be warned, however, if they do, it’s very likely the others will follow in some way. You see, all three of the types of relationships listed below are connected. They are influenced by one another, but how much control over each of them varies depending on concern, age, and awareness level. As you read, take inventory as to how each stands in your life and where you think you’ll have the greatest impact the quickest should you work on it.

  1. Relationship with Self - This is pretty straightforward, yeah? But really, how often do you take inventory of what you think about yourself? No, not what OTHERS say about you, but logically why do you think and feel certain ways about yourself? Have you questioned how legitimate your thinking is? Are you focusing too much on weaknesses rather than strengths? That’s one I probably see the most. I feel that EVERYONE is provided with a set of potential strengths that when harnessed and grown in combination with a unique perspective, can provide the world with something great. It’s easy for us to lose sight of our relationships with ourselves because most of what we do on a daily basis involves (or we want it to involve) others. Think about your workplace, the gym, the gas station, your spouse, your kids, your partner, and even your freaking pets! We’re constantly having to manage different relationships with others, so you BEST stop to see how YOU are doing with YOU. Make sure you grow yourself.

  2. Relationships with Others - Speaking of that kind of relationship! This one is textbook, right? How are my relationships with the other people in my life? Am I being a good co-worker, spouse, or parent? This is the most common form of evaluation and thus, in my opinion, it is for most people the easiest to correct, if nothing else because we pay more attention to it. Behavioral changes and the willingness to alter our interactions can make a quick impact on this category! Even learning the “Do’s and Do Not’s” of dating life, marriage, etc from a statistical standpoint can go a long way to finding your match. Nevertheless, the problem in the area rests within its commonality. I said earlier that it’s often the easiest to change, but that’s IF the problem isn’t too close to the chest. In other words, we’re really good at pretending we have things figured out in our relationships and we HATE hearing from others that we are doing them wrong. Check the ego at the door and this could be your ticket to overall change!

  3. Relationship with the World - Simply put, this is how you see yourself among the whole. Am I attractive? Does my intelligence not stack up to average? Is there no point in working hard because I think the world is just luck? Should I avoid becoming a lawyer because I think all lawyers are emotionless sharks? What are your perspectives on the world and how do YOU mesh with those? That’s what this is for. I’d say this one can be a little more challenging because of its theoretical orientation. Nevertheless, it’s quite important because it serves as the macro idea for the micro behaviors demonstrated through things like RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHERS. Think of this relationship as a filter for how you should interact with others because it is based on your philosophies of the world. It’s important to understand your views and to challenge them in a healthy way.

Now that you’re caught up, I would briefly write down a summary for each in your life. Be honest, for lying will get you nowhere! If you can check these three relationships, you’ll be in a great position to grow in all other areas of your life!




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